Are you focusing your search engine optimization efforts on getting tons of traffic from the search engines?
If you answered yes, then I am about to tell you something completely different from other Internet Marketers.
Forget about getting tons of traffic from the search engines. Get LESS traffic that converts MORE!
The Secret to Turning Keywords into Conversions is to Keep Your Keywords Focused
For example, if your site sells an all-natural remedy for acid stomach problems...
You start to do your keyword research and you discover that the keyword phrase "natural remedies" has 288 daily searches. But it has over 2,000,000 sites competing for it.
While the phrase, "acid reflux natural remedies" has 67 daily searches with just over 11,000 competing sites.
Do you want to spend all your time and effort trying to optimize your website for the first keyword phrase?
You may get more searches, but you'll never know how many of those searchers want to buy your stomach acid remedy. Not to mention the HUGE number of competitors the keyword has!
Or would you go for the second term, which only has 67 people searching for it -- knowing those 67 people are looking for EXACTLY what you offer? And, it has a MUCH lower competition number to boot!
Obviously, the second term is better!
Sure, you might get less traffic -- but the visitors you DO get will be MUCH more likely to buy your product.
Why You Will Make More Money with Less Traffic That Converts More
People search the Internet to find a solution to a problem and not necessarily to buy something. So what problems will they solve by coming to your website?
Think of a keyword as a "problem statement" that someone would type into the search engines.
When you can match your keywords to the exact problems they're trying to solve. You'll attract the BEST visitors to your site so you can focus all your optimization efforts on them!
Here are some more keyword research tips that will help you turn keywords into conversions…
Top Search Engine Optimization Tips for Finding Highly Focused Keywords That Will Bring the Absolute Best Buyers to Your Website:
Check your server logs. See what keyword phrases people are actually using to find your site. If there's something relevant that you've overlooked, build a page focused on that keyword phrase.
Also look for keywords that are causing people to leave right away because they're not finding what they're looking for. Ditch those keywords immediately.
Look for "intention." Say you sell cross-country ski equipment. People can come to your website looking for different things.
For instance:
They're looking to buy a specific product
They're looking for product reviews
They want information on how to get started in cross-country skiing
They want used or discount equipment
They want to know what kind of equipment will be best for them
They want to know what's new and hot in cross-country ski equipment
Same products -- far different intentions!
If you optimize a page (or pages) for each different problem people are trying to solve, you'll give them what they're looking for…
That means they'll stay on your site longer -- and you'll have a better chance of getting them into the sales process.
Check out your competition. What keywords are your competitors optimizing for, and on what pages?
You can spy on them by going to their websites and looking at their code!
In your web browser, just go to View on the main menu and click on Source or Page Source to "look under the hood" of any competitor's site. Then you can see what they're doing right and what you could do better.
Find your best keywords with pay-per-click advertising. This is the fastest way to find out just how well different keywords perform.
Pay-per-click lets you run ads based on two or three different keywords at the same time. This enables you can track which ones convert best. Make sure the ads click through to pages that relate directly to the keywords.
Focus your SEO efforts on the specific keywords that describe EXACTLY what problem each page solves. Don't be tempted by more general keywords with higher traffic numbers. They'll never send you the traffic you want.
Follow these search engine optimization tips and you will turn keywords into conversions.
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